As our society continues to reopen gradually as vaccination rates rise and COVID cases fall, St. John’s has updated its pandemic guidelines and offerings. Our current guidelines may be found here. Most questions can be answered in the description of our current activities below.
Throughout the summer, we will offer two Sunday morning services. 8:00am will be a service with communion and traditional language inside the sanctuary. 10:00am will be a service with contemporary language, singing and communion in our parking lot. For 10:00am, participants are free to bring a lawn chair and sit outside, or stay in their cars and use our FM transmitter to follow the service. The 10:00am service will be livestreamed on our Facebook page. Our Wednesday service of evening prayer at 5:30pm will continue to be offered via Zoom.
During the summer, our Community Kitchen (Saturday lunches) will continue to operate via take-out. Food pantry (Episcopal Community Services) distributions are the third Thursday of the month and are drive through pick up.
AA groups and other regular meetings may use our facilities. We are not open to events, parties, or other social gatherings at this time.
For vaccinated individuals, masks and distancing are not required. We ask unvaccinated individuals to continue to mask and distance. Meetings and ministries in our space may serve or have drinks. We are not serving meals or snacks for consumption indoors at this time.