An important part of our sacramental ministry at St. John’s involves the central events of people’s lives. Our church, our clergy, and our musicians all work with members and others to celebrate baptisms, weddings, and funerals.
Anyone interested in being baptized, or having their children baptized, at St. John’s should contact Father Adam.
Since baptism confers membership, those being baptized or bringing their children to be baptized should plan to be active in the life of our parish.
More information about baptism and confirmation can be found on this helpful webpage by the Diocese of New York.
Weddings are generally done at St. John’s for those who are part of our parish life. The Wedding service includes one of the forms in the Book of Common Prayer and follows the regulations of the Episcopal Church regarding holy matrimony.
The first step is a discussion with our rector, Father Adam Trambley. You may reach him at our church office (724-347-4501). He will schedule an appointment to discuss details of the pre-marital counseling and the wedding. Dates should not be set before a conversation with our priest. Depending on circumstance, the date may not be able to be set until farther along in the process of counseling and preparation.
Neither St. John’s nor our clergy charge a fee for performing a wedding. Many couples do decide to make a generous donation to our Alms Fund, which allows us to help those in need in our communities.
Our Director of Music & Organist at St. John’s is Ron Gracilla. He handles all musical arrangements for weddings and may be reached at the church office.
If someone in your family has died or is dying, please contact Father Adam or the church office (724-347-4501) as soon as possible.
We would like to be able to assist you in this difficult time. We can help with prayers, family support, and guidance for practical funeral arrangements. We hope to be present comfort for you, provide a funeral that is in keeping with the faith and tradition of the deceased, and offer a beautiful and fitting conclusion to a person’s life in this world as they move on to the next.
We are also always willing to work with people on pre-arrangements for funeral services. We would like to include your favorite readings, hymns, and other elements in your funeral. If you are thinking about or have already made arrangements with a funeral director, also come talk with Father Adam. Planning helps us best meet the needs of you and your family as you pass from this life into life eternal.