Worship at St. John’s
Worship is at the center of our life at St. John’s. The goal of our worship life is to help people come into a deeper encounter with God. Every week we gather to hear scripture, to offer prayers, and to break bread together. Grounded in the Book of Common Prayer, our liturgy aims to be Spirit-filled, inspiring and welcoming. While some would describe our worship as traditional, we appreciate laughter and the sound of children’s voices. We are also not afraid of the sound of silence.
Our 8:00 am service is a spoken, using traditional language (“thees” and “thous”). Instrumental organ music adds to the beauty of this service. Each week the service, usually running 45 minutes to an hour, includes scripture readings, a sermon and a celebration of the Holy Eucharist.
Our 10:00 am service includes the singing of hymns and some sections of the mass, scripture readings, a sermon, and communion. This hour to hour-and-fifteen minute service uses contemporary language and often includes choir anthems or special musical guests.
Our 9:00 am Sunday School is aimed at young Christian formation and education. We also offer nursery and children options.
Much of our worship history is based around Music. Its important to us.
For a description of why we do what we do in worship, you can read the explanations from our Instructed Eucharist.
You might also like to read Father Adam’s Blog or some of his prior sermons.